
SXSW Conference Sentiment Analysis

By Czarina Luna

02 2022 | 8 minutes read
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An analysis and natural language processing of thousands of tweets is completed to predict sentiments during SXSW and provide insights to brands and products at the conference. Though the extra trees classifier has the highest test accuracy, the Multinomial Naive Bayes model performs the best at classifying negative and positive sentiments. Clustering analysis is performed to identify themes and topics that emerged, and recommendations are made accordingly.

South by Southwest (SXSW) is an annual conference where creative industries converge to showcase innovations in technology and the creative arts. The company that organizes the conference may be able to enhance customer experience by detecting and understanding sentiments of the attendees from past conference. Doing so will allow them to gain an understanding of the public opinion about events and brands featured at the conference. Using Twitter data I describe patterns and topics that emerge about the conference and Apple and Google products in particular at the SXSW 2011.

The Twitter dataset (file) contains over 9,000 tweets posted during the SXSW 2011 which were labeled as negative, positive, and no emotion. The tweets are the independent feature used to predict the multiclass sentiments.

Class Imbalance

# Drop values for "cannot tell"
df = df.drop((df.loc[df['target']=="I can't tell"]).index)

One other feature on the dataset identifies Apple and Google products mentioned in the tweets but almost 6,000 are missing values.

apple = ['iPad', 'Apple', 'iPad or iPhone App', 'iPhone', 'Other Apple product or service']
google = ['Google', 'Other Google product or service', 'Android App', 'Android']

df['brand'] = df['product'].apply(lambda x: 'google' if x in google else ('apple' if x in apple else 'unknown'))

# Group products by Apple and Google brands
pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['brand', 'target'])['text'].count())
brand target count
apple Negative emotion 387
No emotion toward brand or product 65
Positive emotion 1943
google Negative emotion 131
No emotion toward brand or product 26
Positive emotion 719
unknown Negative emotion 51
No emotion toward brand or product 5281
Positive emotion 306

Apple and Google both received more positive sentiments than negative and more tweets are tagged as Apple than Google overall.

# Create features for length of tweet by word count and by character
df['length'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))
df['characters'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: len(x))

Graph for word count on the left appears to be about normally distributed. Distribution of character count on the right appears to be slightly skewed to the left. Overall the graphs show no significant difference in the length of tweets among negative, neutral, and positive sentiments.

To process the text data, I perform the following preprocessing steps:

Basic Cleaning and Tokenization

  • Standardization by lowercasing everything
  • Remove special characters such as punctuation
  • Tokenize to split the string into a list of words

Lemmatization and Stopwords

  • Remove stopwords and other words specific to the data
  • Lemmatizate to reduce each word to its most basic form


  • Convert text to vectors as input to machine learning models

To apply the techniques above, I utilize one of the most popular frameworks for NLP that is the Natural Language Toolkit nltk:

stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')

# Remove words related to the conference and terms specific to the twitter platform
sxsw = ['sxsw', 'link', 'quot', 'rt', 'mention', 'apple', 'google', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'ipad2', 'rtmention']
text = [word for word in text if word not in stopwords]

lemmatizer = nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer()
text = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in text]
# Example
RT @mention Mayer: 20% of Google searches are for local information #SXSW ^pr

# Result
['mayer', 'search', 'local', 'information']

To highlight significant textual data points, I use the data visualization technique WordCloud which represents the text data and indicates frequencies by the size of words:

  • Positive Sentiments about Apple such as the popup store at the conference.
Sample tweets
"The #sxsw Apple Popup Store is open at noon, has a fresh shipment of iPad 2's, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get one. [fingers crossed]"

"I've been having meetings while I'm in line at the #SXSW PopUp Apple Store for the iPad2. I love this place!"

  • Negative Sentiments toward Apple such as Kara Swisher’s line Apple is a fascist company during an interview which was quoted all over Twitter.
Sample tweets
"Too quotable --> RT \x89ÛÏ@mention "Apple is the most elegant fascist company in America." #flip-board #SXSW"

"Kara Swisher: Apple is the most stylish fascist company in America #sxsw"

  • Positive Sentiments about Google such as Marissa Meyer who was a keynote at the conference.
Sample tweets
"Racing to ballroom D to see @mention Marissa Mayer. #sxsw #sxswi"

"The quiet before the storm at #SXSW - Looking forward to seeing Google's Marissa Mayer"

  • Negative Sentiments toward Google such as the words caring much mentioned by Tim O’Reilly in one of the opening sessions.
Sample tweets
"So true!!! RT @mention 'Google lost its way by caring too much for the business vs. the users' - @mention #psych #sxsw"

"I think #Google lost their way by caring too much about their business (instead of their users) Tim O'Reilly #sxsw #pnid"

To begin with, I build a machine learning pipeline using word count vectors and Logistic Regression as the Baseline Model.

# Basic vectorization
cv = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')

baseline_model = LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000, random_state=112221)
baseline = Pipeline(steps=[('vectorizer', cv), ('baseline', baseline_model)]), y_train)

baseline_pred = baseline.predict(X_test_processed)
accuracy_score(y_test, baseline_pred)

Then, I change the vectorizer to TfidfVectorizer to use word frequency vectors. Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency measures the frequency of a word occurring in a document, down-weighted by the number of documents in which it occurs (source).

tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', lowercase=False, ngram_range=(1,2))

tfidfpipe = Pipeline(steps=[('tfidf', tfidf), ('baseline', baseline_model)]), y_train)

tfidf_pred = tfidfpipe.predict(X_test_processed)
accuracy_score(y_test, tfidf_pred)

Next, I rebalance the class distribution by Random Oversampling that randomly duplicates examples of the minority classes in the train set.

oversampler = RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy='not majority', random_state=112221)

X_train_res, y_train_res = oversampler.fit_resample(X_train_processed, y_train), y_train_res)

oversampled_pred = tfidfpipe.predict(X_test_processed)
accuracy_score(y_test, oversampled_pred)

  • Logistic Regression
  • Multinomial Naive Bayes
  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forests
  • Extra Trees
  • Gradient Boost
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent

A grid search (notebook) is implemented to optimize the models by tuning their hyperparameters.

Across the chart, the Extra Trees classifier attains the best cross validation score of 87% and the highest above at 69% accuracy on the final evaluation using the test set.

Clustering text documents is completed (notebook) using the K-Means clustering algorithm.

from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

# Vectorization using Word2Vec model
model = Word2Vec(corpus, size=100, min_count=1)
vectors = model[model.wv.vocab]
words = list(model.wv.vocab)

# Fit PCA to word vectors to reduce dimensionality
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
PCA_result = pca.fit_transform(vectors)

To explore a range of different k values, I use the open source data mining toolkit Orange.

Here, I set the number of clusters to 6.

Sample vectors
x_values y_values count word Cluster Silhouette
71 4.232746 -0.236558 1528.0 store C1 0.500000
122 3.200685 3.263005 683.0 launch C3 0.688537
124 3.783673 4.306313 663.0 social C3 0.702629
36 4.860034 -0.365946 598.0 android C5 0.577045
127 3.717602 4.206253 587.0 circle C3 0.709477
129 3.582466 3.000314 577.0 today C3 0.684160
125 3.420786 4.252448 467.0 network C3 0.710541
131 3.671145 -0.488340 448.0 line C5 0.593595
55 4.751184 -0.324246 401.0 party C5 0.613791
12 4.564972 -0.364521 388.0 free C5 0.616656
126 3.150755 4.029098 354.0 called C3 0.704135
150 3.845598 -0.481109 350.0 mobile C5 0.617745
107 4.905951 -0.094086 308.0 like C5 0.629237
35 4.422304 -0.238994 306.0 time C5 0.635789
123 2.670568 3.579378 297.0 major C3 0.690126
66 4.054464 -0.208284 266.0 check C5 0.643853
328 1.481872 0.303663 265.0 temporary C4 0.533009
173 1.414922 0.327291 256.0 opening C4 0.529419
168 3.046756 -0.464477 255.0 open C5 0.603515
3 3.982835 0.020949 238.0 need C5 0.634428

Silhouette Scores

Cluster count mean
C1 1 0.500000
C2 544 0.671562
C3 8 0.694157
C4 112 0.621268
C5 60 0.598980
C6 275 0.598727

Cluster WordClouds

Clustering shows interesting results. Cluster 3 for instance contains the exact words describing a major event that was supposedly the launch of Google’s major social network called Circles “possibly today”—did not actually happen but still talked about a lot at the conference.

Comparing the confusion matrices of the models, the final model that performs best is the Multinomial Naive Bayes.

Though the Extra Trees classifier has a higher accuracy, it performs worse on the specific tasks of detecting negative and positive sentiments.

  • The misclassification of negative sentiments can be more costly to the conference organizers and companies featured at the events if more negative sentiments are spread online and missed.
  • The correct classification of positive sentiments can be more beneficial to understanding of the users to continue providing satisfaction.

The Final Model increases the number of True Negatives from the baseline model by half to 57% and the number of True Positives to 62% which are the highest among all the other models:

  • Detect sentiments during the conference using the machine learning model to predict positive and negative sentiments. Positive sentiments can be shared and negative sentiments can be addressed by responding to the concerns.

  • Present findings to the companies at the conference to receive feedback as a guide to provide better services for next year. Products such as Google Circles could use the excitement and speculation during the conference.

  • Highlight the remarks that drive positive sentiments as predicted by the model using natural language processing. Quote the speakers to facilitate further discussion among attendees and increase user engagement.

Source Code: Github Repository


Feel free to contact me for any questions and connect with me on Linkedin.